Let The Members Decide!


Because you know what always happens – you only find out what you already knew because that was all you thought to ask about.

Also, you’re terrified of including any open-ended questions, not only because all that commentary screws up your nice cross-tabs, but also because you’re worried that it will set expectations among your members that you’re actually going to DO EVERYTHING they suggest. Even the totally contradictory stuff.

Does Starbucks hold the answer?

No, I don’t mean the traditional $5 Starbucks gift card as a bribe to encourage participation.

I mean MyStarbucksIdea. Starbucks recently launched a community site to allow customers to make suggestions. Then people discuss the ideas. Then the community votes. Then they take action on the winning ideas.

What a radical concept!

And you notice how Starbucks is using this to create engagement among the members of their community? And you know what they say about engaged members, don’t you?